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Pan Flute Range Guide

Ron Godoy

This a visual guide of the different ranges that we have available. The range refers to the musical capacity that an instrument has. Depending on the musician or the musical requirements of a particular piece, the range can lean towards bass or high pitches. There is no a standard on what are the ranges for pan flute and you might find that they can vary slightly among pan flute makers.

A few considerations to understand this visual guide:

- The diagram shows a frontal view of pan flutes to match the piano position as a reference. However, the standard positioning for pan flutes is high notes at the left and bass notes at the right.

- Since we have clients from different parts of the world, I am including three of the most used musical notation systems (HODS, ASAODS, and Solfege). All of them are showing equivalent notes. Therefore, only take into consideration the musical notation system that you are familiar with and disregard the other ones.

- C1/C4/Do4 is middle C.

- The different ranges are colored to match the flutes that we offer. Each flute will match its respective color in the range map.

- # is marked in some pipes of the range map to indicate that that specific flutes has those sharps notes. In this case, it only marks F# on G major tuned flutes.

- Almost all the flutes that we sell are tunable, which means that they have small plastic corks inside each pipe that you can push to change the tuning of the instrument.

If you have questions or comments, please contact me at

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Pan Flute Ranges

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